The late Dr. Landrum Shettles developed a baby gender selection method that he felt was "best supported by scientific evidence".
Dr Shettles wrote a best selling book called How To Choose The Sex Of Your Baby, you'll find a link at my site. He claimed a 75%-90% success rate using his techniques. There have been a few ebooks authored (also at my site) that claim an even higher success rate of up to 98%. These ebooks utilize Dr Shettles methods as well as other baby gender prediction methods to achieve this amazing success rate!
Dr Shettles method is takes advantage of the fact that it's the man's sperm that ultimately determines the sex of your baby. Why? Because the womans egg only carries one set of chromosomes (xx) or all girl! While the man's sperm comes in either the (xy) configuration which results in a girl baby, or the (yy) which results in a boy baby. Also Dr Shettles realized that the girl sperm was physically larger, slower, and much stronger (or longer lived) than the boy sperm which conversely is the smaller, faster, and more fragile (dies off quicker) of the two.
The doctor also realized that timing of intercourse, and the depth of penetration during conceptual intercourse could help to determine if the resulting baby was a boy or girl. The mother-to-be will have to track her day of ovulation precisely in order to time conceptual intercourse precisely as well.
If wanting a baby boy abstain from sex until 24 hrs before you ovulate, than have sex as much as you want (more is better here!) until about 48 hrs after ovulation. Also using positions that allow deep penetration (doggie style) will deposit the sperm as close as possible to the fresh waiting egg, and allow the fast swimming boy sperm their best chance to win the race and give you that special little baby boy you want.
Want a baby girl? Well, to give yourself the best chance of success abstain from sex for two days before ovulation until two days after ovulation. Also when having sex to try and conceive practice only shallow (especially during ejaculation) penetration. Why is this? Because, by using only shallow penetration you will (hopefully) be giving the girl sperm a time and distance advantage over the boy sperm, resulting in the baby girl you desire.
Shettles also realized that the mother-to-be's bodily ph also plays a role in baby gender prediction. A lower ph (higher acidity) favors the girl sperm, while a higher ph (more on the alkaline side) favors the boy sperm.
Sounds pretty simple, right? Well if you are serious about this gender prediction stuff, you will benefit from a good guide to take you through the entire process step by step. I mean, you only have one chance (per child ;o) to get this right! So visit my site and raise you chance of success from only 50/50 to well over 90%! - 29860
Dr Shettles wrote a best selling book called How To Choose The Sex Of Your Baby, you'll find a link at my site. He claimed a 75%-90% success rate using his techniques. There have been a few ebooks authored (also at my site) that claim an even higher success rate of up to 98%. These ebooks utilize Dr Shettles methods as well as other baby gender prediction methods to achieve this amazing success rate!
Dr Shettles method is takes advantage of the fact that it's the man's sperm that ultimately determines the sex of your baby. Why? Because the womans egg only carries one set of chromosomes (xx) or all girl! While the man's sperm comes in either the (xy) configuration which results in a girl baby, or the (yy) which results in a boy baby. Also Dr Shettles realized that the girl sperm was physically larger, slower, and much stronger (or longer lived) than the boy sperm which conversely is the smaller, faster, and more fragile (dies off quicker) of the two.
The doctor also realized that timing of intercourse, and the depth of penetration during conceptual intercourse could help to determine if the resulting baby was a boy or girl. The mother-to-be will have to track her day of ovulation precisely in order to time conceptual intercourse precisely as well.
If wanting a baby boy abstain from sex until 24 hrs before you ovulate, than have sex as much as you want (more is better here!) until about 48 hrs after ovulation. Also using positions that allow deep penetration (doggie style) will deposit the sperm as close as possible to the fresh waiting egg, and allow the fast swimming boy sperm their best chance to win the race and give you that special little baby boy you want.
Want a baby girl? Well, to give yourself the best chance of success abstain from sex for two days before ovulation until two days after ovulation. Also when having sex to try and conceive practice only shallow (especially during ejaculation) penetration. Why is this? Because, by using only shallow penetration you will (hopefully) be giving the girl sperm a time and distance advantage over the boy sperm, resulting in the baby girl you desire.
Shettles also realized that the mother-to-be's bodily ph also plays a role in baby gender prediction. A lower ph (higher acidity) favors the girl sperm, while a higher ph (more on the alkaline side) favors the boy sperm.
Sounds pretty simple, right? Well if you are serious about this gender prediction stuff, you will benefit from a good guide to take you through the entire process step by step. I mean, you only have one chance (per child ;o) to get this right! So visit my site and raise you chance of success from only 50/50 to well over 90%! - 29860
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So how to make sure you will have a little baby girl?? Visit my site to learn How To Have A Baby Girl or visit my main site to learn How To Have A Baby Girl Or Baby Boy