Want a baby boy to carry on your family's name? Got girls, but now you want a baby boy instead? Does your husband need a boy to play ball with?
No matter what your reasons there are simple, natural, at home steps you can take that can raise your chance conceiving a baby boy from the normal 50/50 to well over 94%!
Dr. Landrum Shettles developed a simple three step system that can help you find success on your baby gender selection journey. Let's take a quick look at these three steps shall we?
1. You will need to become an "expert" at tracking your day of ovulation, as this will become a very important piece in the gender prediction puzzle.
2. When having sex to try to conceive a baby boy you need to practice deep penetration in order to give the boy sperm a short race to the waiting egg, that they should win!
3. You'll need to control your body's ph. There are test strips available at my site to help you keep track of you ph and help you know when the time is right! You can control your ph with your diet and taking a few supplements (over time) or much quicker by douching with the right solution, (although because of the risk of infections I would recommend using douching only under your doctors supervision.)
To successfully conceive a baby boy you will have to be diligent implimenting these low-tech techniques.
Baby gender prediction is not an exact science, so stop by my site to pick up one of the ebooks available to answer any questions you may have and walk you through the process step by step. Remember though, even if you fail to conceive a baby boy, you will still have a little baby girl to love. - 29860
No matter what your reasons there are simple, natural, at home steps you can take that can raise your chance conceiving a baby boy from the normal 50/50 to well over 94%!
Dr. Landrum Shettles developed a simple three step system that can help you find success on your baby gender selection journey. Let's take a quick look at these three steps shall we?
1. You will need to become an "expert" at tracking your day of ovulation, as this will become a very important piece in the gender prediction puzzle.
2. When having sex to try to conceive a baby boy you need to practice deep penetration in order to give the boy sperm a short race to the waiting egg, that they should win!
3. You'll need to control your body's ph. There are test strips available at my site to help you keep track of you ph and help you know when the time is right! You can control your ph with your diet and taking a few supplements (over time) or much quicker by douching with the right solution, (although because of the risk of infections I would recommend using douching only under your doctors supervision.)
To successfully conceive a baby boy you will have to be diligent implimenting these low-tech techniques.
Baby gender prediction is not an exact science, so stop by my site to pick up one of the ebooks available to answer any questions you may have and walk you through the process step by step. Remember though, even if you fail to conceive a baby boy, you will still have a little baby girl to love. - 29860
About the Author:
Need a baby boy in your family?? For more infomation visit my hubpage and learn Conceive A Boy or visit my main site to learn Having A Baby Boy